Player Development

Our team philosophy includes being a place for everyone—regardless of how "competitive" you want to be. 

First, we encourage you to participate if you mainly want to have fun and grow athletically and as a person.

Second, we also are a place for you if you additionally desire to develop and compete at a high level (for example, players who can see themselves possibly playing in college and/or at the adult club level in the future). 

Here are the six areas that players can focus on for development. These are also the qualities that coaches use to evaluate and discern player progress.

Think about where you are and where you want to go next as a player. Since sometimes players wonder what they can do to reach their goals, we want to give some practical action points. As we said above, our team can be a place for you with whatever goals you have.

"I'd like to be a developmental player (for example, play on the JV team)."

"I'd like to be a Varsity-level player or an advanced developmental player."

"I'd like to be an advanced Varsity-level player."

* We’ll send out information about pickup, league, and tournament opportunities.